Who my inspiration today?

just.. simple :)

Julian Casablancas is GREAT!! he made song with RIGHT LYRIC :D its awesome.. u know, he made songs like what happened today or the lyric of his songs was like.. a really good QUOTE :) he really musicians who inspire me till now :) he made me open my eyes :p

"Sins is HONORING desire above what you know is RIGHT"
    from lyric "11th Dimention"

And i think.. my voice like him :D LOL!! nope! just kidding, but lil bit same :))

Shane Dawson!! :) omfg!!! he so.............. CUTE!!! and FUNNY :p
he so.. creative! :) shane shane shane!!! u really F*CKING AWESOME!!!! I LOVE U!!!
and u know, now I'm more talkative and often follows the style of Shane Dawson :p
but .. do not follow it all :
) noo!! kidding!  :D and more creative :)

 Sometimes he look very handsome *_*

and he always looking cute

*if u want to know shane.. his youtube account http://www.youtube.com/shanedawsontv
